Dr. Robin's Personal Transformation Plans
Sessions are 70 minutes and done virtually unless location available.
90 Day intensive transformation
This intensive includes
3 sessions a week IBRT sessions (39 sessions total)
$300 a month supplement allowance
Concierge package
Monthly nutritional evaluation
Free initial consultation
Discount on 90 -120 day detox cost
12 sessions Plan
Buy a 12 pack of sessions and get 15% off compared to individual sessions. May be applied towards an intensive.
Concierge Muscle testing and questions
$500 month
Receive up to 1 hr per week of questions answered via text or voice memo using muscle testing for specific issues or situations.
One month nutritional evaluation with 21 day follow-up
Thorough nutritional evaluation including evaluation of your current supplements and a 30-day follow-up. Includes a $150 credit to order supplements
Per session
Using IBRT, you will save hours on your healing vs traditional talk therapy.
You may apply sessions towards intensive cost within the first month.
6 sessions Plan
Buy a 6-pack and receive a 10% off compared to individual sessions. May be applied towards an intensive.