Online Courses

Thriving: Living at the Frequency of the Kingdom of God
In this 8- week course you will learn the basics of Quantum "Healing" Science theory and technologies.
Reading Thrive is a prerequisite or concurrent text and 30 Days to Peace and Joy is recommended.
Cost is $80 (10 per week) and may be later deducted from the IBRT full training. Choice Social subscribers pay only $25.00 for the course. Cost may also be deducted from any of Dr. Robin's session plans (which are offered at discounted rate from website plans)
You can join the Choice Social subscription group here:
Course Outline
WEEK 1 – Acclimating to a new world View
WEEK 2 – The Law of Attraction and the Law of Expansion, You get what you believe
WEEK 3 – The Law of Reciprocity/Sowing and Reaping, freedom from bad seeds
WEEK 4– The Law of Entrainment, ministering without burnout
WEEK 5– Collective Consciousness, Quantum Entanglement, Grasping the Matrix
WEEK 6 – Practical applications for body, soul and spirit, progress not perfection
WEEK 7– How did we get to be the most dysfunctional and how do we transform
WEEK 8 – We can change the world – the bigger picture